Turning Human Potential Into Gold

Finally...The Truth About Equine Assisted Coaching Success!
Welcome to...
"A Path to The Best Version of You through Horse Wisdom!"

"If You're An Equine Assisted Coach Who Wants Better Results But Struggle With Getting Excited Only To Fail Then...
You Need "The One Page Guide To The Best Version of YOU!" 

From Lisa Murrell and the Equine Alchemy Herd
Tucson, AZ
Regarding: Your Equine Assisted Coaching Success

Dear ones,

It is a FACT  --  most people who go through equine assisted coach 'certification' programs FAIL to create a thriving business (and miss the chance to be of service doing what they love).

Why?  Because they left out the most important part of coaching, with and without horses.

Do you want to create an Equine Assisted Coaching business that actually makes money?

Then this critical secret to equine assisted coaching success is the answer you've been looking for.

Hi, I'm Lisa Murrell, founder of Equine Alchemy.

I've got an amazing hidden secret to equine assisted coaching success for you called "The One page Guide to The Next Best Version of YOU!"

When I began my convoluted journey to Equine Alchemy I was exhausted from doing something I didn't love but didn't know how to get off of the automatic money making merry-go-round.

Everything I believed in kept me on that frenetic ride.  

When I turned to horses for healing and advice...I realized I had to take another kind of ride...the one of questioning my beliefs and who I thought I was.

While making a great deal of money as a business consultant, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't happy. I traveled, worked in cool places yet I came home completely exhausted and burned out.  

I knew something had to change or I was going to go nuts for lack of thriving emotionally. I went back to my roots of a farm in New Mexico, my cowboy father and horses.  

When I reconnected with horses I found my purpose.

But the road wasn't always easy.  I had to begin with myself.  I had to learn SELF MASTERY to step into my purpose.

From my personal journey I know how easy it is to get caught up in the excitement and possibilities of transformation that come with learning from horses.  Then you go out into the 'real' world and that excitement seems to fade. 

Old habits come calling without any equine support to get you back on the right track.  No matter how hard you try, it's just not the same as it was during your training experience.

I also know that building a business out of these new possibilities is the perfect place to forget about everything you learned from the horses!!

The self discovery and mastery we began through horse wisdom seems to disappear as we try to SELL our services rather than INVITE people to transform their lives through horses.

What is the secret to holding all of this together?

After 12 years of six figure success with Equine Alchemy I know the TRUTH about creating a successful Equine Assisted Coaching Business.

If we are not aware of and confident in who we are, how we relate to others and the impact we have on the world, how can we establish peace and prosperity in our lives or help others discover theirs? 

Here's The Powerful Solution If You Want A Successful Equine Assisted Coaching Business
           Where do you find the next best version of you?
           Like most all valuable stuff in life, it is WITHIN you! 

           "The One page Guide to The Next Best Version of YOU"             is the process I've developed from my own journey to help             you find YOUR best version!
            Fortunately for the world, horses and their wisdom have                  become more popular. More people have found ways to                  study about coaching with horses than ever before.
           But there is something missing or there would be more                   successful equine coaches.  

          You must bring horse wisdom out of the round pen.        
Life and horses continue to teach me over and over that SELF MASTERY is the only successful path to serving others (and the key to Equine Alchemy's 12 year 6 figure business!

Knowing yourself highlights behaviors impacting your life/work/relationships, allowing you to transform yourself.

Without knowing yourself, even the best training is only a set of information.

The Next Best Version of you in mind, body and spirit BEGINS with what I call 'Personal Leadership'...the path to transforming your life and business through transforming yourself!

When you engage in YOUR personal leadership you...
 ~ Establish an exact direction for your own life.
 ~ Commit yourself to moving in that direction.
 ~ Take determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you identify as the ultimate goal in your life.

"The One page Guide to the Next Best Version of YOU" makes it easy for you to develop and use your Personal Leadership to create the life and equine assisted coaching business you are dreaming of.

Claim your access now and we'll get you started with the "The One page Guide to the Next Best Version of YOU!" immediately.
"The One Page Guide to the Next Best Version of YOU!"
One-Page to the Next Best Version of YOU! ($2497 Value)

 BONUS #1: The Insiders Guide to Transforming Your Life And Business (Your Personal Leadership Assessment!) ($97 Value)

 BONUS #2: Personal Leadership Self Coaching System for Equine Assisted Coaching Success 
(This Self Coaching System holds the keys for you to change energy draining behaviors that keep you from reaching your goals.) ($1597 Value)

 BONUS #3: Goal Setting Insiders Guide Every Entrepreneur Needs (This Roadmap to achieving your outrageous goals is the shortcut for you to make sure you are going toward success.) ($997 Value)

Total Value: $ 5,188.00

But today you are getting all of this...

For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of a hoof pick, you can get access to a winning process that took me 25 years to create... 

YES, Lisa! Give Me Instant Access To The One Page Guide to the Next Best Version Of YOU! RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !

My Proven Method To Build A
Successful Equine Assisted Coaching Business ...

Without Making The Same Energy Draining Mistakes
That Keep You From Reaching Your Goals

  • Discover the Secret Superpower you've had all along.
  • ​Create an abundant life with coaching and horses.
  • ​Establish self mastery in mind, body and spirit.
  • ​Discover Your Personal Leadership! 
  • ​Change energy draining behaviors that keep you stuck.
  • ​Stop worrying that you are not good enough for people to listen to you.
  • ​Use this proven roadmap to achieving your outrageous goals.
At this point you may be wondering who is Lisa Murrell and why are you so sure about this little known secret to success?
All of my work is based upon my life experience (and quite a bit of 'formal' education). 

My self mastery path is my secret to my success.  I love helping people like you make your path to self mastery a secret to your success.

I continually ask myself questions that aren't always easy. But they are necessary to keep me on my path of serving you.  I discovered these on my continual journey of self-mastery. In fact, you can begin your journey now by asking yourself the following.  Here are my self-reflections.

Core Gifts: 
 ~Creating an abundant and sustainable Equine Assisted Coaching Practice through combining ICF Coaching and Equine Facilitated Learning.  (The ONLY ICF Approved Coach Training with horses in the world!)
~Facilitating and holding the sacred space of possibility and transformation for others with and without horses.

Strengths and Assets:
~ 25 years of business coaching and consulting globally with corporations, big and small businesses and solopreneurs.
~ 3 six figure businesses including a globally successful business and life coaching practice.

WARNING:  I can't tell you that you'll do 6 or 7 figures (or even $10) because I don't know you...but I will reveal the secrets of how I created my businesses in this amazing process I want to share with you!
~ I am living living exactly what I love and can bring that same possibility to you!

What is the primary message or big picture vision I want to convey to others?

~ I am an (Extra)Ordinary person just like you who had the vulnerability and courage to step into my transformation and as a result is doing what I love.
~ My mission is to help people like you raise the consciousness of the world through coaching and horses.

How do I want others to know and experience me?
~ Authentically, what you see is what you get, I live and walk my talk.
~ Someone who cares about and can support you through consensual learning and accountability.

But don't take my word for it...take a look at this...
Here's What People Are Saying About Working With Lisa...
“I am filled with joy and love for
you and your program!"
"I just really feel like you are an angel sent down from the heavens to teach me (and many other lucky souls) all sorts of incredible and intense lessons.

I love who I am becoming through my personal work with you.  Thank you so much for all of your guidance.” ~ Janine Oates Almquist, EAC Graduate
“…I’ve been through years of psychotherapy, and in just one coaching session with Lisa I found striking clarity."
Lisa’s expert, empathic inquiry and intuitive timing helped me leap to an ‘AHA’ moment that has freed me from old stories to step wholeheartedly forward in love, work and life.”
Liz Cutting~ ICF, ACC, Mane and Soul Equine Assisted Coaching, EAC Graduate,
Here's Exactly What You Get With "The One Page Guide to the Next Best Version of YOU!"(For Just $7.00)

One Page Guide the to NEXT Best Version of YOU! ($2497 Value)

  • This secret superpower makes it a snap for you to take determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you identify as the ultimate goal in your life.
  • The unshakeable foundation for a successful business coaching with horses.
  • Establish self mastery in mind, body and spirit and reach even the most outrageous goals you ever dreamed possible.
  • ​Plus so much more...

Plus, ACT NOW and You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!

Bonus #1 -  Personal Leadership Assessment!
"The Insiders Guide to Transforming Your Life And Business Through Discovering Your Personal Leadership! "
Total Value: $97
Finally, you can create the abundant life you dream of with coaching and horses!!  This Personal Leadership Assessment holds the secret to change energy draining behaviors that keep you from reaching your goals...so that you can discover and share your special gifts to more powerfully serve others!
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The One Page Guide to the NEXT Best Version of YOU' Today! 
Bonus #2 - The Best Version of YOU! Self Coaching System ($497 Value)
"The Shortcut to the Next Version of YOU! Self Coaching System "
Total Value: $1,597
The Secret to...
~Changing energy draining behaviors that keep you from reaching your goals is in this self coaching system. 
~Optimizing your qualities/strengths personally and professionally.
~Identifying your gifts and challenges and the patterns they create in your life; either moving you forward or holding you back.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The One Page Guide to the NEXT Best Version of YOU' Today! 
Bonus #3 - Proven Goal Setting System
"Insiders Goal Setting Guide Every Entrepreneur Needs "
Total Value: $997
The #1 essential skill for building and sustaining a successful business is setting smart goals and actually achieving them!  The is the time-tested strategy I've used for 25 years with global company success -- big and small.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The One Page Guide to the NEXT Best Version of YOU' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
So you're probably thinking, well, wait, wait, wait, what's the catch here. There's not really any catch.  If you know me, you know, that I share so much content and consistently over the years.  The mission for equine alchemy and myself is to help raise the level of consciousness in the world through coaching and horses.  So yet this is just another way of doing that, of sharing my mission of living my purpose...to share all of this with you, so that you are able to have equine-assisted coach mastery now.
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
There's also something else you need to know.

This offer is not going to be here forever.

I just blew up this whole thing the way I've been doing and alchemy for 12 years, and I'm doing something different, I'm breaking it down.

I am breaking down all of the pieces of my coach training program and putting them out for you for them $7. However, I don't even know how long that's going to last.

So you need to click the link below so that you get all of this stuff as I am pulling this apart and putting it back together again.
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
Now you may get it and you may think, Oh, this is ridiculous. I've heard this before. This is not anything that I'm interested in, or you may get it and you may decide this doesn't work for you and think you need this.

Well, there's a 30 day guarantee. So if you don't fall in love with it, if you don't see this process for self-mastery through your own personal leadership and your own process of how to change your behavior so that you can share it with your clients, I'll give you your $7 back. I don't need your money. What I want is for you to be an incredibly successful equine-assisted coaching practice.

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order The One Page Guide to The Next Best Version of YOU!
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES Lisa! Give Me Instant Access To The One Page Guide to The Next Best Version of YOU! And Bonuses NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access -The One Page Guide to the Next Best Version of YOU!  (Value $497)
  Your Personal Leadership Assessment (Value $97)
  Instant Access - Best Version of YOU! Self Coaching System (Value $497)
  Finally, Goal Setting Strategies (Value $397)
Total Value: $1,488
Today Just $7
That's pretty much everything! If you really want to create a thriving equine assisted coaching business and success in your life, you must begin here.

I wish you so much good fortune!

With ease and grace,
Lisa Murrell
P.S. By the way, if you begin anywhere else, you will always end up here! 

You can save yourself a lot of time, money and energy with the amazing bonuses for just $7! Act now - your satisfaction is guaranteed!

After all, 'the end is in the beginning'...Psychologist Bruno Bettleheim
YES NAME! Give Me Instant Access To 'The One Page Guide to the NEXT Best Version of YOU!' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything You're Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The One Page Guide to Self Mastery (Value $497)
  • Full Access To The Personal Leadership Assessment  (Value $97)
  • Instant Access To Personal Leadership Self Coaching System (Value $497)
  • ​Access To Insiders Guide to Goal Setting (Value $397)
Total Value: $1,488
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $47: This complete coaching system with ICF Coaching strategies makes it easy to guide yourself and your client through the process of self-discovery, instill behaviors that work FOR you not against you, and create your future through being authentically, powerfully, YOU.

Item Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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