I continually ask myself questions that aren't always easy. But they are necessary to keep me on my path of serving you. I discovered these on my continual journey of self-mastery. In fact, you can begin your journey now by asking yourself the following. Here are my self-reflections.
Core Gifts:
~Creating an abundant and sustainable Equine Assisted Coaching Practice through combining ICF Coaching and Equine Facilitated Learning. (The ONLY ICF Approved Coach Training with horses in the world!)
~Facilitating and holding the sacred space of possibility and transformation for others with and without horses.
Strengths and Assets:~ 25 years of business coaching and consulting globally with corporations, big and small businesses and solopreneurs.
~ 3 six figure businesses including a globally successful business and life coaching practice.
WARNING: I can't tell you that you'll do 6 or 7 figures (or even $10) because I don't know you...but I will reveal the secrets of how I created my businesses in this amazing process I want to share with you!
~ I am living living exactly what I love and can bring that same possibility to you!
What is the primary message or big picture vision I want to convey to others?~ I am an (Extra)Ordinary person just like you who had the vulnerability and courage to step into my transformation and as a result is doing what I love.
~ My mission is to help people like you raise the consciousness of the world through coaching and horses.
How do I want others to know and experience me?
~ Authentically, what you see is what you get, I live and walk my talk.
~ Someone who cares about and can support you through consensual learning and accountability.
But don't take my word for it...take a look at this...